Sleep: 1:30pm Sunday afternoon - 10:30pm Sunday night (a little later than scheduled for fris practice)
Awake: 10:30pm Sunday night - 4pm Monday afternoon
Sleep: 4pm Monday afternoon - 1am Tuesday morning
Edit: I must note that yestersol (ooh, that word works quite well) I was quite sleepy around 7-8am.
Post-Sunset Streets
I spent the hours of about 2am to 4am walking around the streets of the Sunset District. As you would expect, there were not many people about on a cold, drizzly Monday morning. Just a guy power-washing the sidewalk, another leaving a dentist's office (strange). Of the four or five people that I saw in the Sunset District, they all appeared to be latino/a. Too small a sample size to draw any conclusions. I also saw a group of three hyppsies on the edge of the park. (hyppsies is my terms to describe the of style of many people living in Golden Gate Park; seem to take influences from hippies and gypsies.)
On the other hand, I saw lots of user activity on Pokemon Go. (Okay, okay, my primary purpose was testing the night air, and making the streets safer by my presence. If I happen to have a certain app open to also gauge local activity, and if I happened to walk wherever I saw a squirtle, then it was all in the name of science. No need to make such a fuss.) Gyms rising an falling every few minutes. I would estimate a lower bound of 12 people awake and on-the-Go from their homes, and they would have to have been within a half-block of the gyms.
Despite not receiving any clothes that needed sewing from San Francisco friends (the offer is still open), I did small repairs/alterations on a few of my articles. Closed a tear, added a button, added a pocket. I was reminded of the perspective from sewing that I love.
Before I learned to sew, I would see a shirt or pants a finished product: "hmm, would I like to wear that?" But once I got a handle of sewing machines, then articles of clothing were no longer just a single stable object. Instead they were a foundation upon which I could augment, customize, taylor, and change. "Cool pants but too long. Could I hem it? Could I cut the sleeves off that evening gown so it's like a knight's tunic? Ooh, leather; I could make moccasins!"
This difference is one of the main reasons I also wanted to try Dark Week (though it's hard to explain to people straight off). The 24-hour day is a inherited structure, but it is not just a single stable option. Anyone can push, pull, extend, and change the 24-cycle. The same goes for traditions, exceptions, governments, anything. This whole world in the present is just a foundation, a foundation just waiting for changes. We are capable of making little augmentations to make it a better world in the future. I love that possibility. Whuo, okay, those were big jumps. Back to your regular programming....
Breakfast at Purdy's
Today was the first weekday when I could join a friend for their breakfest. It was particularly exciting because I was making food for Purdy in his new apartment, which has no kitchen stuff. So I had to bring butter to grease the pan, a knife to cut the butter, even the pan! We ate our egg-sausage toasts on paper towels, but he did have orange juice, yum!
Systems Report
All good again. Amazingly my eyes are not blood shot. I usually get the most tired around 4 to 2 hours before sleeping (so 15 - 17 hours awake.) That didn't happen as much today. My hypotheses are
- a 20 minute nap at around 6:15am, the first nap I have tried
- the sun was up this sol for that time
- I starting re-reading Harry Potter and the Methods of Rational, which has enthralled me once again
- my body has gotten totally onboard with 28/6. Just kidding, I don't think that is what happened.
| Sol 1 Thus 11:45pm (15 hours awake) | Sol 2 Sat 4:52am (16 hours awake) | Sol 3 Sunday 6:25 am (13.5 hours awake) | Sol 4 Monday 2pm (16 hours awake) |
Reaction Time Avg | 283 | 279 | 304 | 301 |
Reaction Time Best | 250 | 266 | 290 | 270 |
Spacial Memory Score | 27447 | 18601 | 26234 | 47098 |
Numerical Memory | 10 | 11 | 12 | 7 |
Verbal | 58 | 32 | 63 | 46 |
Note on the desalinator - absolutely zero water in the collection cup. Maybe because it was never sunny, so I moved the bowl to catch more rays. There was condensation on the saran wrap but it wasn't dripping to the cup.