Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Sol 2: Friday Night

Awake: 1pm Friday afternoon - 8am Saturday morning
Sleep: 8am Saturday morning - 5pm Saturday afternoon

Sleeping in late this morning was not a problem. I woke up a few times at 9am when I normally would, but then jumped back to dream land till the afternoon.


Tosol (hmm, that word doesn't work very well. I think I'll stick to 'today') was dominated by lunch with friends (dinner for them) and then Purdy's Birthday/House Warming Party. I also prepared some of brochures on How To People Watch (created by our friend Hannah Brown with 100 copies complements of my roommate using his tech company's printer)(prepaired meaning I folded them and put them in my backpack), which I am planning on distributing widely later in the week.

Signature Move

I spent the long night working on a new signature. My original just-the-ol'-name-in-cursive won't cut it once I'm famous. I also incorporated three tips for making signatures harder to forge:

  • Lots of lines crossing
  • Long strokes
  • Changes of direction

I considered posting pictures of the signature, but decided it was too much like posting a password. "But Obama's signature is on the internet." Yeah, good luck impersonating Obama.

Systems Report

I woke up feeling great. Around mid-sol, my head felt like it was a little too big for my skull (okay, okay, simmer down with the ego jokes). Slight head-ache late in the sol; though considering it was after a party, it's hard to blame sleep-cycling for that one. I didn't feel particularly sleepy, though my bed did sound enticing for a long time.

Sol 1 Thus 11:45pm (15 hours awake)Sol 2 Sat 4:52am (16 hours awake)
Reaction Time Avg283279
Reaction Time Best250266
Spacial Memory Score2744718601
Numerical Memory1011
Verbal 5832


Other people's tiredness around midnight felt weird. And I was quite surprised late in the sol when I got out of the shower and the sun had risen!

I'm excited for a trip to the beach tomorrow (in part to collect sea water) ...

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