Friday, August 19, 2016

Sol 5: Following the Narrative

Sleep: 4:30pm Monday afternoon - 1:45am Tuesday morning
Awake: 1:45am Tuesday morning - 8pm Tuesday evening
Sleep: 8pm Tuesday evening - 5am Wednesday morning

A short blot post this sol. Most of my time was spent reading. Tomorrow is the final sol, so it will be a longer post. I did have a lovely breakfast out in the last Homely House with Claire, but for most of the sol I read. It's hard for me to tell if the sleep change is causing me to be less seize-the-sol or if I'm just draw into the narrative.

Grant did comment that I seemed normal to him, expect when I went scooting across the ground like a worm while he brushed his teeth. I disagree; I think that was pretty typical method of morning greeting for Grant and me. And I was only scooting because he didn't notice me at first. Maybe I'll be able to gauge better later on.

Systems Report

Sol 1 Thus 11:45pm (15 hours awake)Sol 2 Sat 4:52am (16 hours awake)Sol 3 Sunday 6:25 am (13.5 hours awake)Sol 4 Monday 2pm (16 hours awake)Sol 5 Tuesday 6pm (16 hours awake)
Reaction Time Avg (5 trials)283279304301306
Reaction Time Best250266290270288
Spacial Memory Score2744718601262344709873612
Numerical Memory10111275
Verbal 5832634669

Desalinator - Still bone dry. But check out this cool article about an MITer that got one to work. (Thanks for the link, Alli Sherris!)

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